Sibling Café


This Labor Day weekend was full of fun outings, get-togethers, and lavish dinners. We had steak, ventured over to Valley Fair in the blaring heat, went down to our family cabin, and attended the most extravagant breakfast at the Sibling Café.


I don't remember which of my kids asked Matthew and me to get dolled up, but there was a strict dress code when attending the Sibling Café.


"Mom, you have to wear a pretty dress and look fabulous," Naveen said in his cute 5-year-old voice.

"Dad, you can wear whatever, but you have to dress up!" Matthew just looked at me!


I could hear our Googley being asked, "Hey, Google, how do you spell appetizer? Hey Google, how do you spell guacamole?"


As I heard our speaker spell out each of these words, I looked at Matthew curiously and asked, "What the hell do you think they are going to serve us?"


"Honey! You just heard it, Guacamole!"

Dear lawdy!


So we ran upstairs while the kids scurried downstairs, putting God-knows-what together and I threw on a dress and lipstick while Matthew threw on a sports jacket complete from his Air Force tour in Turkey. (Am I saying that right?)


We walked downstairs with Roozie Doozie in our arms to be greeted by this beautiful, tanned gentleman named Naveen, or Boppie Whoppie. He had a button-down shirt and wet his hair and parted it. My dream! Asha was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and ushered us into this beautiful room in our basement, and Vidya helped turn our workout room into a dining area. They put a wooden plant table in the middle with two lanterns and even grabbed two sets of silverware, twisted it with a napkin and secured it with tape!


We sat down to a menu that had items listed. I was floored! Eggs, fruit for appetizers, and toast? Yes, please! They even had specific mugs for coffee, brewed it for us, and gave us cucumber water. Even as I tell this, my heart is melting at the memory. But wait….


I ordered eggies with toast and fruit for a side, along with coffee. Matthew just ordered fruit as he knows he must finish anything I order, so he never orders anything! They left and had Googley play instrumental music on the speaker!


SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS! How are we raising such unique human beings? How did we get so lucky? They can be heinous and vicious one moment, then turn around and serenade you with a candlelit (sort of) breakfast the next! They even dressed up, too!


Breakfast came down, and Roozie Doozie, Matthew, and I dined like royalty! It was delicious, although my eggs had shells in them! But the thought was beautiful!


Our bill came, and it was a total of $14.00 per person in cash! These kids drive a hard bargain!


I tipped the waiters, brought my dishes upstairs, changed, and went about our day as we went to my sister's and brother-in-law's house to press some apples for their cider! Then, 20 minutes later, Matthew came up the stairs to my office, sat on my recliner, looked at me dead in the eyes, and exclaimed, "Babe, I have something to tell you. Everything is fine, but there's something you should know!"


My eyes widened!


"Yes, my love?"


"The kids just told me that while getting the Sibling Café ready, they saw a dead mouse in the corner but didn't want to tell you or me as they wanted to continue with their restaurant idea!"


"WHAT????? ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS? We dined with a freaking dead mouse in the corner? KIDDDDSSSSS!!!!!"


They all ran upstairs, and I thanked them up and down for the beautiful and thoughtful meal, but if they could have told us about the guest of honor beforehand, I would have appreciated it.


They looked at me and giggled and said, "Mom! You never would have eaten down there had we told you about it beforehand!"

Sighing, "You're right, but you guys, it is a freaking DEAD MOUSE!"


Matthew looked at me and said he took care of it and disposed of it appropriately, whatever the hell that means, but still! A little forewarning would have been great!


So, yes, these little kiddo-biddos are adorable, thoughtful, and creative, and they know their mother! I will give them credit for that! As I look back, they didn't even crack, not even a conniving smile or a smirk to show their hand!


After speaking to the owners (Matthew and the kiddos of this restaurant), I will give Sibling Café a one-star and leave a review to forewarn people to look in the corners before they sit down in case there is a mysterious guest of honor!



For the Love!


“Oh, there you are, Peter!”